Bitch classes were far stronger than the dog classes. I found fronts and feet have not improved
since I last judged. I was delighted my Best of Breed went on to win Best in Show.
No entries
1. Wilson’s - Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury
Promising youngster, nice angles front and rear, good reach of neck. Lovely topline. Attractive
head with dk eye. Moved well.
2. Honeyball’s - Wolfscastle Idole for Honeytail
Rangy youngster, good harsh silver grey coat. Pretty head, hazel eye. Correct shoulder
placement. Good bend of stifle, front could have been better.
3. Southcott’s - Kingrock Benromach
1. Mcloughlin’s - Graizeland Rock & Roll of Glenhaigh
Lovely type, not over big. Good front, topline & lay of shoulder. Typical head and expression, dk
eye. Covered the ground on the move.
2. Cheshire’s - Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith
Another lovely type. Attractive head, dk eye. Quite rangy, good angles front and rear, well
muscled. Long striding action.
3. Seymour-Jackson’s - Ghiltan Hero
1. Spencer & Rhodes - Gentom Renown
Balanced dog with lovely outline. Well angled front & rear, deep chest. Good topline & width of
loin with nice fallaway. Excellent bone Typical head, kind expression, dk hazel eye. Covered
ground when moving RCC
2. Piggott's - Greyzicon Blythe Spirit
Upstanding dog. Nice head, dk eye, well folded ear. Good reach of neck and v deep chest,
Powerful quarters with good bend of stifle, very well muscled. Moved well.
3. Shannon’s - Erewhon Dambuster
1. Gilhooly & Morrissey’s - Lord Seafield of Hartvalley
Powerful dog, good front and neck. Silver grey harsh coat. Correct lay of shoulder, deep chest
and well sprung rib. Strong hindquarters, a little short in rear angulation but in hard condition.
2. Girling’s - Pyefleet Qwilliam
Dark coated workmanlike dog, rather plain head. Good length of body. Deep brisket and
flowing topline. Strong broad hindquarters and good muscletone. Sound action.
3. Lucas & Dargonne’s - Packway Aconcagua
OPEN DOG 3 (2)
1. Peach & Phillip’s - Wild West von der Oelmuhle
Handsome, quality, dog with attractive outline. Beautiful head and expression with dk eye.
Strong neck let into well laid shoulder. Good front, v deep chest, good width across loin. Held
topline on the move. Well angled quarters, good muscletone. Excellent easy flowing movement.
Expertly handled. CC, BOB, BIS
1. Smith’s - Rosslyn Pollie TAF
Promising youngster. Excellent front, well knuckled feet, good lay of shoulder, deep chest.
Lovely topline and quarters. Coat a little short but did not detract. Pretty head and dk eye, tiny
ears. Moved well.
2. Martyn’s - Birkhall Rosemary
Well grown puppy with substantial bone. Appealing head, elegant neck, deep chest, excellent
spring of rib. Well developed hindquarters nicely angulated.
3. Southcott’s - Bradleyabbi Ardenner
1. Taylor & Peach’s - Brackenland Tan at Kilbourne
Dark attractive bitch, quite long cast. Well boned, with strong neck, straight front, nice depth of
brisket, correct topline. Good rear angulation. Fine head, dk hazel eye. Moved soundly.
2. Owen & Brodie’s - Wolfscastle Eta
Lovely type with pretty head and dk eye. Long neck, deep chest and excellent topline flowing
into good quarters. Easy action when moving.
3. Peach’s - Brackenland Waltz
1. Taylor’s - Guinivere Starshire from Kilbourne
Balanced bitch, lovely straight front, strong neck let into good shoulder placement, deep chest,
nice topline and strong hindquarters. Feminine head, dk eye. Well muscled, very sound
2. Bailey’s - Kilbourne Jenifer Jupiter to Greyflax
Very close call between first and second.
Very typey, fairly long cast, good bone. Lovely head, well angulated front and rear, deep chest,
good bone. Nice bend of stifle & good second thigh. Would have liked tighter feet. Moved well.
3. Peach’s - Kilbourne Teine
1. Parson’s & McKinnon’s - Claonaiglen Mallie
Shapely, balanced bitch, not over big. Feminine head, darkest eye and rose folded ear.
Good front and reach of neck, nice angulation front and rear. In good hard condition. Sound
2. Richardson’s - Fernbarrow Flora
Well angulated front and rear, deep chest. Good bone & harsh coat. Feminine head, lightish
eye. Front could have been better.3. Gilhooly’s - Freyja at Nobys
1. Peach’s - Witch Way to Kilbourne
Well made, lovely dark bitch, good front, strong neck, deep chest, v good rear angulation, well
muscled. Feminine head, hazel eye. Covered the ground on the move. Well handled. RCC
2. Shannon’s - Lealla is Fearr
Fairly tall bitch, pretty head, dark eye. Well angled shoulder placement, v deep chest and good
spring of rib. Nice width across loin. Well angled hindquarters.
3. Swinburn’s - Hartvalley Never Ever
1. Girling’s - Pyefleet Rokesby
Lovely bitch with no exaggeration. Feminine head, well folded ear. Correct reach of neck let
into well laid shoulder. Deep chest. Strong well angled quarters. Good bone. Well muscled
condition. Easy sound action. CC
2. Peach’s - Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne
Very shapely dk bitch, appealing outlook, dark eye. Rather long reach of neck. Deep chest, good
spring of rib and hindquarters, well let down hocks. Moved well.
3. Bailey’s - Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset